I love...

When my oldest son was born 14 years ago, one of my best friends was getting into photography and offered to take his newborn photos. If she hadn't offered, I wouldn't have a single professional photo of my sweet boy as an infant. I still look back at the album she had made for me and can't believe he was ever that tiny! When my 2nd son was born 19 months later I bought a camera and jumped into photography with both feet! After 8 years of photographing weddings,  I am back to where I started...working with busy Moms and darling children to freeze this chaotic and fleeting journey that is motherhood.

One thing I'm passionate about is getting those gorgeous images off of your computer and onto your walls! You will love seeing them everyday, and the rest of your family will too, I promise :)

Hello. I'm Jennifer!


my babies

mango iced tea

real moments


gorgeous florals